miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Earth Day Evaluations

Yesterday I learned many things by evaluating the videos. First of all, the 8th grader's video was really good and they have many creative pictures, although the audio wasn't that good. Also, when I evaluated the 12th grader's video was pretty cool, the audio matched with the video in any specific thing. All in all, by evaluating all those videos make me realized that I could change my video in some things. First of all, I would try to remove my last names, so I could get a good mark in. Then, I could get a track for my song, so It matched. Also, I would try to take better pictures, so that could make it more creative and not too simple. Finally, I would try to make my song even longer(because I wrote the lyrics) and so for that reason It could make my video even longer.